Most medical searches aim on healing the anatomical problems in your lower back but they do not focus on healing the pain. Lower back pain is much mysterious than you think and it causes severe problems like temporary immobility in some cases. You may have to go through hit and trial method in order to cure your lower back but this should only involve exercises and stretches. Any medication must not be tried without the permission of your doctor. The first step in curing your lower back pain is the procedure of knowing the real reason behind it. If you think that your back pain is due to your sticking to desk then the cure will be different however a lower back pain which arises due to excessive physical effort will be cured differently.
You do not always have to visit a doctor or physician in order to find a permanent cure because some home remedies for back pain have shown remarkable results. These remedies do not only include exercises but they include some changes in your daily routine.
Use of your inner endorphins:
Endorphin is a special hormone which is naturally produced within the human body. It is a very strong pain killer and can work even better than some synthetic back pain medicines. You do not even have to get any prescription from your doctor or spend even a penny on purchasing any medicine. Mere release of this hormone will block pain signals to reach your brain therefore you not have to feel any kind of pain in your back even if it exists. This remedy will help you stay mobile and perform your daily tasks while having the severe back pain. These hormones also help to decrease the stress and anxiety which are normally associated with chronic back pain. This capability makes this procedure as one of the best home remedies for back pain. Some exercises help to release these hormones in your body naturally and these exercises are:
- Message therapy
- Aerobic exercises
- Deep breathing
- Laughing and smiling
- Being social
- Eating dark chocolate
- Meditation
- acupuncture
Get a resting sleep:
Pain is considered to be the number one among all the other medical conditions which cause insomnia. Two out three people, who suffer from chronic back pain, face sleeping disorders. This is not only about bad sleeping habit but a sleeping disorder will make your condition even worse. Back pain tends to increase in case of less sleep. Sleeping orders and back pain problems need proper fixation with the help of an expert doctor but special home remedies for back pain include the following
- Relaxation techniques
- Decreasing the amount of caffeine intake
- Psychological techniques
- Eating of right food
- Medication
- Writing your worries down
- Performing the right exercises as well as stretches for back pain
Soothing of back pain with temperature:
Never underestimate the regular application of cold as well as hot packs for reduction of back pain. Most people searching for the question ‘how to relieve lower back pain’ forget this therapy because they think it is just temporary or ineffective.
Benefits of cold therapy:
Cold therapy can be used for reduction of back pain because it has two main benefits
- It reduces the inflammation of muscles as inflammation often occurs with the origination of back pain.
- It acts like an anaesthetic for nerves because they freeze down and stop sending the pain signals to your brain.
If you are feeling sever back pain then do not waste time and grab and pack of ice.
Benefits of hot therapy:
Hot therapy of lower back pain works in two ways
- It increases the flood flow which brings healing nutrients to the affected area. These nutrients perform their duty and decrease the pain with curing.
- It also blocks the pain messages that are sent to your brain from your nerves.
Hamstring stretching:
Hamstrings run through your thighs and they control the strength as well as movement of your lower back. Stretching your hamstrings twice a day helps strengthen your back muscles. A single care that you have to take is that never try to perform a stretch which causes pain. Painful stretch is harmful for your lower back. It can either be done by standing up and touching your toes or by doing the same while sitting down with stretched legs.
Engage your brain:
It is a common observation of doctors that pain is not just a sensation. Brain plays an important role in the way people perceive their pain. Brain has the authority to interpret your pain signals in whatever way it wants. You have to take enough control over your brain if you want to control your pains. The best discovery of science and research is that humans have tendency to control their brain interpretations. By taking control over you pain interpretations, you can experience the new era of relief in your life.
Keep yourself dynamic:
Our spine is just like the rest of our body and it needs regular movement. Even in the days of vacations and job hunt; never let your bed stick your back more than 9 or 10 hours a day. Find some activities for yourself and then you will never look for the question ‘how to get rid of lower back pain’. You can take your dog out for a walk; do bicycling, swimming and walking. Keep in your mind that you have to stay mobile but never overdo it because excess of everything is definitely bad for people who suffer from lower back pain.
Find the perfect posture:
Your posture affects the stress over your back. Standing straight and putting equal weight on both of your legs will decrease the stress of your lower back. Also change your positions in a try to find out that which will be the least stressful position for your back. After finding the right one; follow it if you want to stay away from permanent disorders of lower back.
Find information about: best mattress for back pain
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